The Hallicrafters SX-25 Super Defiant receiver was manufactured
from 1940 to 1946. It was touted to have better performance
than that of the famed Hallicrafters SX-17 receiver. Among its
outstanding advantages were extreme selectivity and more and better
audio. The design of the crystal filter made possible critical
CW operation under trying conditions of intereference. The sensitivity
of the receiver is raised from 2.8 to 4 times in the "CW Xtal" position
when the receiver is tuned to the exact resonant frequency of the crystal
itself. Both IF stages are expanded in the "Broad IF" position
for high fidelity performance. The A.N.L. reduces interference
by as much as 70%. The Hallicrafters Super Defiant SX-25 receiver
complete with the Hallicrafters PM-23 Speaker, Crystal and 12 Tubes
sold for $99.50. It weighs 46 pounds. |
The Hallicrafters SX-25 covers 5.5 MHz ti 42 MHz
in 4 bands. The separate calibrated bandspread dial for the
10, 20, 40 and 80 meter bands provides frequency meter tuning. The Hallicrafters SX-25 is a single conversion superheterodyne communications receiver with 12 tubes. It uses two 6F6 tubes in the audio amplifier section and produces wonderful sound. |