The Hallicrafters
SX-42 AM/CW/FM receiver was manufactured from 1947 to 1950, and was one
of the first receivers designed after World War II. The receiver covers
from 540 kilocycles to 110 megacycles. This "tremendous frequency
coverage" is made possible by the development of a new "split-stator" tuning
system and the use of dual intermediate frequency transformers. The receiver
has a high fidelity phonograph amplifier with a response curve essentially
flat from 60 to 15,000 cycles and an undistorted output of 8 watts.
Musical reproduction is wonderful, especially on the Hallicrafters R-42
speaker. This is my favorite receiver and it was made the same year
I was born!
The Hallicrafters SX-42 is a single conversion superheterodyne receiver
with 15 tubes. The circuit for this model changed several times over
its production life. Bands cover 80, 40, 20, 10 and 6 meters. This
unit is 20 inches wide, 10 1/4 inches high and 18 inches deep. It
weighs 52 pounds. It sold from $250 to $275 new.