The Hallicrafters R-44 speaker
offers for the first time in a professional style cabinet the advantages
of an oval speaker. The large oval size (6 x 9 inches) plus ample
baffling give excellent low frequency response. The speaker was
especially designed as a matching unit to the SX-43, but it may also
be used with the SX-25, SX-28 and SX-42. A two position switch on
the front panel offers communications or high fidelity reception.
The terminals on the rear are for 500 ohm line. The R-44 speaker has a
gray steel cabinet and is 18 1/2 inches wide, 8 1/2 inches high and 9 5/8
inches deep . It sold for $19.50 - $24.50 and was manufactured from
1947-1950. The Hallicrafters R-44B speaker has a satin black steel cabinet and light colored grill. It was made as a matching speaker for the earlier version of the SX-71, the one with the white dials. It appears to be the same speaker as the R-44 except for the paint and grill. It sold in 1950 for $24.50. It looks like the R-44B speaker was manufactured from 1949 - 1950. |