I purchased this Collins 32S-3 transmitter from the original
owner who used it sparingly. The 32S-3 was initially purchased in September
1968. The serial number is 10XXXX. In March 1980 Dennis Brothers completely
went through the 32S-3 and cleaned and aligned it and installed all of
the service bulletins and modifications to bring it up to the latest standards.
The modifications done by Dennis Brothers are undetectable from the
original Collins factory work. The case and front panel on this transmitter
are also practically flawless.
The 32S-3 transmitter covers all the amateur bands between 3.4 mc and 30
mc with a power input of 175 watts PEP on SSB or 160 watts on CW. It
has a nominal output of 100 watts. The 32S-3 can also be adapted for
RTTY operation because of the high degree of stability.
The 32S-3 comes equipped with the crystal sockets, crystals and bandswitch
positions for eleven 200 kc bands. Crystal sockets and bandswitch
position also are provided for two additional 200 kc bands between 28 mc
and 30 mc. A fourteenth position, corresponding to the WWV position
on the receiver, can be used fo an additional 200 kc band in the 9.5-15
mc range, if desired.
Other features include:
- Dual Conversion
- Automatic Load Control
- RF Inverse Feedback
- CW Spotting Control
- Mechanical Filter
- Size (with feet): 14 3/4" wide, 7 3/4" high, 12 1/2"
- Weight: 16 lbs.
Information from Collins Amateur Radio Equipment Catalog No. 32